Connecting Body
Integrating Emotions
Liberating Potential
Powerful Spaces of Transformation
The workshops that I organize are powerful spaces of transformation where you are made to feel alive!
Emotional Release and Integration Retreat
“Welcome and listen to your body to release your emotions – To access its transformative power – To fully incarnate in its power!”
Emotions are bodily messages that our soul sends to us to communicate to us what is alive in us deepest. Through emotions, certain things, hidden in our unconscious, try to show us their existence.
In the modern world, a great place is left for logic and the mind. Thus, intuition and emotions are set aside and often relegated to the background. Collective beliefs are conveyed: “showing your emotions is a weakness”, “You must not be vulnerable”, “you must not be sad”, “it is not good to be angry”…
Sub Heading
Through these workshops on emotions, we want to create transformational spaces, to connect you to your emotions, to express them using the different tools and then to integrate them as a part of yourself.
Sub Heading
We will use breathing, movement and sound, the Rebirth or Breathwork method, inner dialogue (aspecting), emotional release techniques, emotional integration, Korean relaxation, integration of shadows, active meditations, free dances, talking circles, rituals and guided journeys as tools for transformation.
To come to these courses, it is preferable to be engaged in a process of self-knowledge, and it is necessary to have an interview with one of the facilitators.
Retreat dates
to share the adventure together in 2023!
Explore yourself!
Septembre 2023: Stage L’Intégration Émotionnelle animé par Gaston BACCHIANI
Découvrez cet outil puissant basé sur l’accueil et le ressenti de chaque émotion, pour créer de l’espace dans le corps, recalibrer les mémoires associées et intégrer ses différentes parts émotionnelles.
Séance individuelle d’au moins 1h en présentiel ou en distanciel.
Novembre 2023: Stage Libération Émotionnelle
A travers ce stage sur les émotions, nous souhaitons créer des espaces transformationnels, pour vous connecter à vos émotions, les exprimer en utilisant les différents outils et ensuite les intégrer comme une part de vous-même.
Le stage commencera à 20h le Vendredi 10 novembre 2023 et se terminera vers 17h le Dimanche 12 novembre 2023.
✨ LIEU :
A La Ferme des Essarts, à Saint-Paul-lès-Romans dans la Drôme, à 20 min de la gare de Valence TGV.
✨ PRIX :
Animation : Dans une fourchette de prix en conscience entre 180 euros et 300 euros par personne pour l’animation.
I’m listening to you!
Through these different courses, I offer you a journey of exploration of yourself. I am like a high mountain guide who has already traveled these paths a little before you and who continues his journey.
Today, I feel this momentum to share this adventure by your side and I can’t wait to see you take your place in this world!
15 years of experience
in the service of humanity!
More information about Retreats?
Make a free 20-minute meeting to discuss about retreats